Song Lyrics

Song lyrics are a dime a dozen when searching on the Web. So, I’ll take a dozen dimes worth of song lyrics. To you math whizzes that 144 dimes or $14.40 or 120 dimes for $12.00 depending upon how you’ve calculated.

No matter, though, you’re here for the song lyrics so that’s what we’ll talk about, if yours truly can stay focused! Song lyrics are the heart of this site. We also call them music lyrics here, by the by.

No matter what you call them, though, the song lyrics can be searched in two different ways. If you haven’t noticed due to some concentration disorder that at the top of every page are the letters A – Z. In order to find the song lyrics that have been indexed alphabetically, simply click on one of the letters of the alphabet and search for the song lyrics using this method.

If you also know the title of the song, part of the title or part of the lyrics, then do a search for the song lyrics in the search box that is also on every page. You don’t have to be a genius to figure out how simple it is to search for song lyrics around here.

If fact, we’ve gone to great pains to make the searching and finding of song lyrics incredibly easy. On this site, we don’t visually bombarded our visitors with lots of images and other visual stimulation. Quite the opposite is true.

We’ve kept the visual stimulation to a minimum and focused on bringing you song lyrics that you can read without a lot of distraction. Since we have a bit of ADD and ADHD ourselves this helps us as well as you.

So, check out the song lyrics on this site. Let us know if there are any song lyrics that we’ve missed and we’ll research them and post them as soon as possible Remember, this is your site, too, so speak out if you want to see some song lyrics that we’ve neglected to include. This way we build a better site for all other visitors to enjoy as well.